
domenica 16 giugno 2013

28-29-30 JUNE 2013 GAGA WORKSHOP in NOD



28-29-30 JUNE 2013
NOD presso
la dimora coreografica Centro Danza Royal 
Via San Marino, 89/14 Torino

For any information about accomodations in Torino, dancers may contact: 

Tel 3356931525 Romina or

A certified "Gaga" teacher, instructing professional dancers as well as non-dancers
Registrations from now..
20% discount for all participants of latest Gaga workshop (November and february) for payment within may 30.
GAGA Workshop and Naharin rep.  will be

These classes are open to dancers age 17 and up.


FEES within April 30

entro il 30 aprile

GAGA + NAHARIN  REPERTORY FOR ALL 3 DAYS € 100,00 + € 7,00 iscrizione

GAGA schedule FROM JUNE 28 TO 30

friday 28 June teacher YANIV ABRAHAM
h:10,0/11,15 Gaga Class  Punctuality is recommended
h: 11,30/13,30 Naharin repertory

saturday 29 june teacher YANIV ABRAHAM 
h: 10,00/11,15 Gaga class Punctuality is recommended
h: 11.30/13.30 Naharin repertory

sunday 30 june YANIV ABRAHAM
h: 10.00/11,15 Gaga class - Punctuality is recommended
h: 11,30/13,30 Naharin Repertory

AFTER 30 APRIL WITHIN MAY 30 - dopo il 30 aprile entro il 30 maggio
- Discount of 10% for those who make the payment no later than MAY 30
for those who enroll in all three days of workshop
- ONLY GAGA LANGUAGE(3 DAYS)  € 90,00 + € 7,00 membership registration
- SINGLE GAGA CLASS € 30,00 + € 7,00 membership Registration

- GAGA AND NAHARIN REPERTORY (1 DAY)   €   70,00 + € 7,00 m.r.
- GAGA AND NAHARIN REPERTORY (2 DAYS) € 120,00 + € 7,00  m.r
- GAGA AND NAHARIN REPERTORY( 3 DAYS) € 150,00 + € 7,00 m.r. 

if the payment will be done after april 30 and within may 15 
DISCOUNT FOR PROFESSIONAL DANCER  within may 30IS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR PAYMENT WITHIN MAY 30- 20% discount for teachers and professionals for those who enroll in all three days of workshop for payment no later than MAY 30   (requires presentation of copy of contract, to be under 35 years)

Registration is required € 7,00


PAYMENT METHOD : Bank transfer

- IT25X0690601015000000001183 BREUITM1

It's forbidden to take photographs with camera, take pictures and use the phone in the Nuova Officina della danza a.s.d. during the lesson.
It's necessary to send a short professional c.v specifying if you have already participated in other gaga workshops to 

Cancellation Policy 
If you need to cancel your registration:
Until MAY 15, you will receive a full refund less a 30 Euro cancellation fee.
Between 15 MAY AND JUNE 28 th, you will receive a 50% refund. If we will be able to fill the spot, you will receive a full refund minus a 30 Euro cancellation fee only.
Tuition will  be paid through bank and will be due by:

Special prices with:
0039 011 0209400

Students enrolled in the workshop will benefit a discount of 10% on the price 
single room:  € 34,20 euro
double room: € 54,40 euro
triple room: € 63,60 euro
bed  in dormitory: € 21,20 euro
Tax € 1,80
fee per person per day


Tel 3356931525 Romina or

Yaniv Abraham
Professional experience
Feb 2011
teaching "gaga" the company "Carte blanch" in Bergen, Norway.

July-Dec 2010- "Check-in",choreographe Gili navot,

x-solist for the Bat-sheva dance company,was created especially for the "Haramat masach" festival in Tel-aviv, Suzzan Dalal center and was chosen to perform in the israeli international exposur festival. 
Feb 2003 -July 2010
Was an active member and a Solist in the Batsheva dance company for the choreographeand artistic director Ohad Naharin.
Repertory in which he danced and took part in the creation process:


"Hora","Project 5".

Repertoary made by  the house choreographer of the Batsheva dance company Sharon eyal:

"Bill","Makarova kabisa","Bertolina","Love"

Guest choreographer:

Matz ek – "A sort of"

 Jun 2001- feb 2003- Member of the "Ensamble Bat-sheva"  Dance company.

Repertoary: Ohad Naharin, 
"kamouiot","kyr","zachacha","Dancing party","Decatalon","Pasomezo".

House choreographer Sharon eyal:

"After love".

Own choreography in the annual event "bat-sheva dancers create" :

2010 – "Four what"

2009 – "Samanta"

2007 – Irresponsible"

2006 – "Tik nikoyim"

2005 – "Bubble"

2004 – "Tera"

Grants and Awards-

2004,2005 – Grant from the "American-Israeli foundation" for young promissing dancer's.

2002,2003 – Grant from the "Sharet foundation" for uprising talent's.

1999-2001 – Grant from the Israeli minstry culture and education for eccellence and achievment.

Teaching experience:

A certified "Gaga" teacher, instructing proffessional Dancers as well as non-dancers, giving classes and master classes in the Suzan Dalal center in Tel Aviv and all over Israel,as well teaching dance companyies:

"Carte blance","Max moriss", "Collberg","Grand ballet the canadian", Ensamble Bat-sheva", "Bat-sheva dance company".

He's Teaching Ohad Naharin's repertory workshope and "Gaga" master class in Israel and world wide:


Russia-Moscow,St.petersbourg,Serbia-Belgrad,Germany-Berlin,Waimmar,France-Monpelye,Toulos,Moulos,Spain-Valencia,Sevillia Barcalona.

Italy,New york –"Bam","jcc"Los angeles,Ohaio-Columbus,Clevland,North Carolina,dourham-"ADF" South Carolina-Chrlstone,Washington D.c,England-London,Scotland-Eiadenbourgh and many more.


Jan 1999- jun 2001 the academy of the "Kibuutz dance company" (KCDC), "Maspa" – mate asher school of preforming art", in experience with repertoary by:

Mats ek, Jiri kylian, Rami be'er, Daniel Ezralow, Imanuel gat, Nir de Volf, Martin Corri (NDT), Neomy perlov (prejlockaje).
1993 – 1999 – "Karmi machol karmiel" folk dance company,accademy and youth folk school.

tel 0039 393 0839097

giovedì 6 giugno 2013



Gaga è il linguaggio del movimento sviluppato da Ohad NAHARIN attraverso il suo lavoro come coreografo e Direttore artistico della BATSHEVA Dance Company.

Gaga ha due direzioni, Gaga per ballerini, quotididanamente seguita dai membri della compagnia, adesso insegnanta anche a danzatori in Israele ed all'estero; e Gaga/persone, aperto a tutti, adatto a ogni età, senza la necessità di una precedente esperienza.
Le lezioni di Gaga sono tenute per un numero sempre crescente a Suzanne Dellal Centre e in altri posti nel paese ed all'estero.

Gaga is the movement language developed by Ohad Naharin throughout his work as a choreographer and Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga has two tracks: Gaga/dancers, which is the daily training of Batsheva Dance Company members, now taught also for other dancers in Israel and abroad; and Gaga/people, open to the public and available for anyone at any age, without the necessity of previous experience. Gaga classes are held for a growing number of people in the Suzanne Dellal Centre and at additional places in the country and abroad.

Gaga è un nuovo modo di acquisire conoscenza e consapevolezza di sé attraverso il corpo. Gaga fornisce un quadro per scoprire e rafforzare il corpo e l'aggiunta di flessibilità, resistenza, agilità e alleggerendo i sensi e la fantasia. Gaga aumenta la consapevolezza delle debolezze fisiche, risveglia le zone intorpidite, espone fissazioni fisiche, e offre molti modi per la loro eliminazione. Il lavoro migliora il movimento istintivo e collega il movimento conscio e inconscio, e permette un'esperienza di libertà e piacere in un unico modo, in uno spazio piacevole, in abiti comodi, accompagnati da musica, ognuno con se stesso e gli altri.

"Diventiamo più consapevoli della nostra forma. Ci colleghiamo al senso di infinito di possibilità. Noi esploriamo un movimento multi-dimensionale, ci godiamo la sensazione di bruciore nei nostri muscoli, siamo pronti a scattare, siamo consapevoli della nostra forza esplosiva e qualche volta la usiamo. Mettiamo le nostre abitudini di movimento da parte per trovarne di nuovi. Noi andiamo oltre i nostri limiti familiari. Possiamo essere calmi ed attenti al tempo stesso "-. Ohad Naharin

Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination. Gaga raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimination. The work improves instinctive movement and connects conscious and unconscious movement, and it allows for an experience of freedom and pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space, in comfortable clothes, accompanied by music, each person with himself and others.
“We become more aware of our form. We connect to the sense of the endlessness of possibilities. We explore multi-dimensional movement; we enjoy the burning sensation in our muscles, we are ready to snap, we are aware of our explosive power and sometimes we use it. We change our movement habits by finding new ones. We go beyond our familiar limits. We can be calm and alert at once.” – Ohad Naharin